You can find me as @claraisknitting on Cara and Instagram; there I share my latest makes and works in progress. I also have a Ribblr shop with a smaller selection of the patterns you'll see here. If you share your makes online, please tag me, I'd love to see them!
Feel free to send me an
You may sell any makes from any of my patterns; all I ask is to please credit me as the original designer, if you can, by putting my username (@claraisknitting) or a link to this website on a label, product description, or the like.
If you want to write a rework of one of my patterns, go for it! Post it on your page or sell it in your shop; just, please, don't resell the original pattern(s), as that would defeat the purpose of this website.
This website exists thanks to Neocities! You can contact me through my Profile if you like. C: